Cable Railing codes and municipalities vary from city, to county, and state. San Diego Cable Railings has furnished cable railings on city inspected projects and permitted deck jobs at a cable spacing of 3”. This is 1” less than the required 4” clear spacing, and insures room for cable “spread.” Always check with your local building department for local codes and requirements.
Our materials are sourced from U.S. vendors and fabricated locally in San Diego. San Diego Cable Railings team members combine the construction experience of 100s of decks, fences, and cable railings. We individually assess each project. Our cable railing products will cost compete or beat any comparable cable railing system on the market. The larger the project; the lower the cable cost per foot. Value engineering based on individual jobs enables us to maximize materials, eliminate waste, and sell you only what you need. We actually offer a better product for less money. You will not have to purchase extra fittings or extra cable. There are no gimmicks; just clean lines and sturdy construction.
Post spacing and framing details vary on every job and with different types of material. Different suppliers have unique specifications based on specific materials and connection details. Our wooden and steel post systems are recommended at 4′ spacing however we have witnessed a wide variety of materials and specifications. Building code requires that a 4″ sphere cannot pass through the cable infill and that the framing will sustain a specified lateral load at any location on the railing. Heavier framing systems or tighter cable rail spacing will permit larger post spans and larger tension loads making the sphere more difficult to pass through the railing infill. Intermediate posts, pickets, or spreaders can be made from a variety of material types. These can be a good option to reduce cable spread. We are happy to provide design recommendations and installation instructions to our customers. There are also many online resources for information and specifications on cable railings.
We have pre-made cable assemblies which require nothing more than simple hand tools. We also fabricate drilling jigs, and custom kits that contain posts that are pre drilled for ease of installation. Our aim is to provide services and products to satisfy a wide variety of installers. We offer cable assemblies that do not require crimping or swagging. A stainless steel cable cutter is a highly recommended tool for any cutting of ss cable. We offer cable cutters and other accessories in the online store.
Estimates for cable railings can be done quickly and accurately via a photograph, line drawing, or architectural plan set that contains lineal footage measurements for your project. Starts and stops, stairs and breaks in the cable can create a large variance in cost so it is important to provide accurate information. Our “QUOTE REQUEST” page will allow uploading of files and photos or you can send us an email at : SHOP@SANDIEGOCABLERAILINGS.COM. Our turn around time for railing quotes is typically 24-48 hours for standard railings. Custom projects or large plan sets may require longer turn around times
1×19 structural braid stainless cable @ 1/8” thickness is very strong. Breaking strength for 1 cable can exceed 1800 lbs, further emphasizing the importance of never over tensioning the cables. A post and railing system will sustain damage long before a cable will ever break. Even steel post systems can be damaged by over tensioning. Always follow recommended tensioning sequences and loading specifications when dealing with stainless steel cable.
High grade stainless steel should not rust. Care and exposure play a large part in the longevity and beauty of your cable railing. Salt spray and high exposure environments are the toughest test for railing systems. Contamination by other metals or environmental agents can also play a role in the corrosion of a railing system. On the coast, any building material will be thoroughly tested. T316 stainless steel cable is much less likely to corrode or show signs of corrosion unless very high levels of salt are present for long periods of time. Stainless steel cable that is kept clean or periodically oiled and not marred in any way is at a much lower risk of corrosion. Lower grade stainless steel systems and imported “low cost” options can be costly over time. 316 Stainless is marine grade cable. It is used on boats, aircraft and ocean front properties and provides the ultimate in corrosion and salt spray resistance. If kept clean and properly maintained, it will not rust. We offer instructions and cleaning/protection products for stainless steel cable.>/p>
Any deck above 30″ from natural grade will require a railing.
The average cost of a stainless steel cable deck railing for materials and installation is between $100- $280 per lineal foot. Complex deck designs, as well as stairs and angled applications like ramps or sloped decks can increase lineal foot costs.
Our company works with preferred, licensed contractors to provide installation services in California from San Diego to San Fransisco Bay Area. We offer cable and glass railing systems, aluminum picket railing systems and we also fabricate gates and custom hardware solutions.
San Diego Cable Railings provides high quality cable railing systems to contractors and DIY installers nationwide. Our products are made in house based in San Diego, CA. – built to withstand harsh conditions and coastal environments.