Power Washing Stainless Steel Cable Railings?

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How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Cable Railings

It is absolutely OK and also a recommended practice to perform periodic maintenance and cleaning of your cable railings. The use of a power washer can make the job easier in some cases; and also keep contamination away. The use of specifically designed cleaning products can also keep your cable railings looking brand new for years to come. Power washing stainless steel cable railings is only one of the ways to keep your deck in tip top shape!  Here are a few other tips and tricks to make cleaning your cable railings easy and effective:

Power Washing-

Also called “pressure washers” ; power washers are great tools and small units are pretty affordable. There are a few low priced vacuum sized models available at big box stores that have plenty of power to do household cleaning jobs. Power washing requires discretion because of the high pressure involved. Forcing water in to perforations or using too much pressure can damage your railings (especially wood) so use care when operating. We recommend using a wide stream nozzle from a safe distance 1′-2′ and start by cleaning the stainless cables only. Dirt and grime from arial contaminants is easily removed; as is organic build up from nearby plants and shrubs. Once you get the hang of using the machine; the pressure can be dialed up or down and your distance from the object can also be adjusted. Posts and railings as well as decking can also be cleaned with your power washer.  The main idea is to clean without creating any surface damage.


The use of specifically designed stainless steel cleaners  can also aid in the cleaning and maintenance of your cable railings. A good stainless cleaner should leave a light film of oil that further prevents contaminant build up and makes future cleanings easier. In a pinch, good old WD- 40 works pretty well when it comes to cleaning stainless steel. The main thing to remember is that contaminants and caustic products can damage stainless steel so ALWAYS use products that are recommended for stainless cleaning. We use and furnish “Steel Renewal” products by Feeney. Ask one of our sales associates if you are interested in these products.

Non Recommended Stainless Cleaning Practices-

It is never a good idea to use steel wool on stainless steel cables. Steel wool can leave behind traces of metal that will contaminate your cables. Caustic products, acids, and anything that contains etching materials or other metals is not recommended. Stainless steel is super durable and easy to maintain with simple soap and water if you do not have the right cleaner. If you don’t have a power washer then a simple non metallic scotch brite pad will work wonders. The main thing to remember is to do your periodic maintenance and avoid build up; this will make your cleaning project fast and easy.

San Diego Cable Railings offers cable railing maintenance packages to local customers looking to keep their railings in brand new condition for the long haul. Talk to one of our cable railing pros at 844-277-7327 or visit the quote request page to find out more about power washing stainless steel cable railings and cable railing maintenance.