Keep Your Children and Pets Safe Without Spoiling the View! We recently launched a new page on our website addressing some popular questions on the topic of cable railings and child safety. Children and parents alike love our railings because of the sleek aesthetics and sturdy construction. Animals love cable railings because they have the ability maintain a safe barrier without making our pets feel contained or confined. Here are some additional reasons to consider an SDCR cable railing system for your indoor and outdoor living spaces: Stainless Cable Systems Offer a Modern Look and Feel A Wide Variety of Design Options, Colors and Materials Available No Glass to Clean! No Little Fingerprints Safe, Code Compliant and Engineered Products for Permit Submittals T316 Stainless Offers Unmatched Durability and Corrosion Resistance Cable Railings are DIY Friendly! SDCR team members are always available by phone or online to answer questions and provide estimates for your project. We have DIY packages available, as well as expert preferred installers if you prefer a turn key railing project. For more information about why kids love San Diego Cable Railings, give us a call at 844-277-7327 or visit the quote request page. Kids Love San Diego Cable Railings
Safety is at the top of the list when it comes to stainless cable railings and raised decks. While most municipalities have adapted to the popularity of cable railing systems, some questions still arise. What is the truth about climbable railings? Do horizontal railing members allow children to climb? What is the ladder effect? The ladder effect is caused by sequential horizontal members that in theory could be easier to climb than vertical railing members because of the orientation and direction. Stainless cable railings were frowned upon and even prohibited years ago because of this possibility; BUT WHAT is the truth and WHERE are the statistics?