What is a Cable Railing? Cable Railings 101: Although “cable railing” is the preferred terminology for residential applications, cable railings are also referred to as wire railings, wire rope, wire rope assemblies, stainless steel wire, stainless steel cable, aircraft cable, marine wire, cable rail, cable railing systems, modern railings, and contemporary railings. Cable railings are dedicated to architectural applications and geared toward barrier railings and fencing for safety, code compliance, and architectural use. Other terms like aircraft cable, marine wire, marine cable, stainless wire rope, and stainless steel cable, also refer to some form of the same product. DIY cable assemblies have become very popular in recent years.
San Diego Cable Railing was recently featured in San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles blog. We’re excited to share this article with you here! When it comes to creating a home’s distinctive look, consumers get more building material options each day. For a unique twist on a traditional deck, consider a combination of redwood framing with stainless-steel cable infill. This idea isn’t new, but is growing in popularity. Ask your contractor for